Thursday, June 4, 2015

Meeting with Celine Part 4

After calling Mike and Jesse when Sam puts him on speaker:
Sam: Hey Mike and Jesse, you are on speaker with me, Celine, Aldo and David.
Mike: Hi guys.
Celine: Hi Mike, uhm, are you in Ohio?
Mike: Yes Ma'am. I am here doing auditions.
Jesse: As are we Celine. It's Jesse and Rachel.
Aldo: Oh, hello.
Rachel: Hi Aldo.
Aldo: Hi Rachel.

Sam: Well, we are here talking about auditions. We are considering starting auditions here in Las Vegas as well.
Rachel: How is that possible? We aren't there. Sam, that is not fair.
David: Hold on guys, we have a way to make sure the auditioners we select go through you as well.
Sam: We were going to send them to you after a successful audition here in Las Vegas. They would then have to audition in front of you as well. There, you make the final cut before continuing with the same process we decided before. We would just be using our time wisely and starting Vocal Auditions here, well the preliminary rounds to screen more singers ahead of time..
Rachel: Who would judge though?
David: Myself, Sam, Tina and Artie.
Rachel: Okay, that makes sense and then they come here for an audition in front the rest of the panel?
Sam: Exactly. And then members who are on the Board of Directors there in Lima would judge them and make the final cut along with the Lima final cut. Just the singers though. There would still have to be dance auditions here. Does that work?
Rachel: Okay, I am liking this. So, how about you get that started and then we will see if you make good picks.
Sam: Will do. -Smiles as he hangs up with them-

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