Thursday, June 4, 2015


One week later when they are back in Las Vegas:
Sam: -Finishes getting ready as he prepares for a meeting-
Quinn: -Making him breakfast-
Sam: Do you mind that I have decided to work for a bit?
Quinn: No, I understand.
Sam: I am working as the Vegas Liaison now so I have to go meet with Celine.
Quinn: Tell her I said hi okay?
Sam: -Walks over to her and then grabs her waist before kissing her softly- I love you. Just remember, call me.
Quinn: I will. -Smiles-
Sam: -Kisses her again when he hears Beth-

Beth: Dad, are you going to see the boys?
Sam: Yes but I can't bring you unfortunately sweetie.
Beth: Okay. Can we go to the pool then mom?
Quinn: Of course.
Beth: -Smiles-
Sam: -Grabs her hand and then goes to kiss her softly- I will be back later okay?

Quinn: Okay, have fun.
Sam: -Smiles as he leaves to go work a little-
Judy: -Comes into the kitchen from her room- Sam going to work some on the show Quinn?
Quinn: Yes. I am happy though, he needs to.
Judy: He is the Liaison now right?
Quinn: That is right. I am happy though.

Judy: Shouldn't you be resting though?
Quinn: I have been cleared. Maybe today we can go to the pool or spa today? Have a mother-daughter thing.
Judy: I would love that. -Smiles-
Mary: -Comes into the kitchen- Can I join?
Quinn: Of course. -Smiles at her moms- 

Chapter 151

Meanwhile with Sam:
Sam: -In the elevator as he calls Celine-

Phone Call:
Aldo Giampaolo: Hello, you have reached Celine's manager.
Sam: Hi Aldo, it's Sam Evans from Dalton-McKinley in Vegas.
Aldo: Ah yes, you said you wanted to meet?
Sam: Yes, we have returned to Vegas, well my family so we have decided to come back now. Easier.
Aldo: Now, do you want to meet there at the hotel or at Celine's?

Sam: I was coming to Celine's place but if you would rather do it here then definatively.
Aldo: We have started on some designs here at the stage if you want to go see them.
Sam: Oh great, maybe I can see it then.
Aldo: Perfect. So, I will meet you there.
Sam: Perfect. Talk soon. -Smiles as he hangs up before seeing some of his friends-

When Sam gets out of the elevator:
Sam: -Sees some of his friends and decides to walk over-
Artie: -Eating with Tina at the restaurant-
Sam: -Walks over smiling- Hello there.
Tina: -Turns her head to see Sam smiling- Sam. -Gets up and goes to hug him- What are you doing here?

Sam: We just came back. Drama in Lima so we are here now. What are you guys doing here still?
Tina: Staying here to work. Here, come sit with us.
Sam: Sure. -Goes around in the restaurant to go sit with his friends-

Chapter 152

After going to sit with them:
Sam: -Waves for the waitress-
Waitress: -Walks over- Yes sir?
Sam: Can I get a hot chocolate please?
Waitress; Of course. -Walks away-
Sam: -Smiles at his friends-

Artie: How in the world do you do that? I takes me a long time to do that.
Sam: When you have a kid, you learn how to do it.
Tina: -Smiles- So, exactly what brought you back to Vegas?
Sam: Long story short, Puck happened and more. -Tears up-
Artie: Sorry bud, something must've really affected you.
Sam: We lost our baby.

Tina: Oh Sam, don't worry, you can have more.
Sam: Hopefully. -Composes himself- But, can we talk work right now? What has happened while we were doing auditions?
Tina; We have mostly been trying to figure stuff out with the NYADA Dancers.
Sam: Anybody from Lima come join you?
Tina: Uhm, I heard 3 are coming. Not sure who they are.
Sam: Tell me their names.
Artie: Uhm, Madison McCarthy, Mason McCarthy and Jane Hayward.
Sam: Great, they just need parental approval.
Artie: I heard so that is going to be hard.
Sam: It gives us a song though. I am sure they will come. But wait, they are done with the Lima Auditions already?
Artie: You didn't hear? They said they scrapped the Glee auditions and just said they could come.
Sam: -Gets a little mad- I didn't agree to that but I have to take a call if you don't excuse me. -Gets up and goes to call Rachel-

Calling Lima Part 1

Meanwhile in Lima:
Jesse: -In the midst of auditions when he hears his phone, going to pick it up-
Rachel: Who is it? We are in the midst of auditions.
Jesse: Sam.
Rachel: Oh okay.
Jesse: -Picks it up- Hey Sam.

Phone Call:
Sam: Hey Jesse, can I ask you a question?
Jesse: Sure, what do you need?
Sam: When did the audition arrangement change? I mean, Glee gets in automatically? When did that happen?
Jesse: We decided that we knew them so well and we all agreed that they would just get in anyways so....
Sam: Sorry, I am just a little mad that I wasn't consulted. Especially since I do not like one of the members.
Jesse: Who?
Sam: Jake Puckerman. Is he coming?
Jesse: No, he decided to be a good friend and stay back. Plus, his brother needs to be kept here.
Sam: -Sighs- Okay, as long as he doesn't come, I am sorry for getting mad.
Jesse: It's okay, you are worried for your family. How are you holding up anyways? I am so sorry again man.
Sam: I am doing better. Much more relaxed. I am going to work on some other stuff here if that is okay? Maybe consult on the storyline, work on choreography.
Jesse: Dude, that is hard. Uhm, maybe try and work with the other panelists still tell?

Rachel: What's happening?
Jesse: He wants to work on the storyline and some choreography.
Rachel: -Looks at him and then looks at the auditioner- Put it on speaker for a minute.
Jesse: Okay. -Puts it on speaker-

Calling Lima Part 2

Rachel: Hey Sam.
Sam: Hey Rachel, I was just wondering if I could try working on some choreography.
Rachel: Sam, you would have to have a member of the Choreography committee there.
Sam: Okay, then how about maybe the plotline? Song ideas and how they can fit into our story?
Rachel: You can write down suggestons but please, do not do anything permanent. Can you maybe just act as our Vegas Liaison with Celine?
Sam: Of course. I am meeting with her today if you want.
Rachel: Okay. Well, can you give her some notes such as the change to the audition order?
Sam: Sure, want me maybe to consult on decorations? Start decorating the auditorium. I have an idea what it will probably look like. Just a school right?

Rachel: Uhm, that is hard.
Sam: How about starting some auditions here? There are some other panelists here? I mean, is that too hard?
Rachel: Okay. Maybe you can do that. But just preliminaries. No final decisions and round up some of the other board members there to help.
Sam: Okay. And what about Artie and Tina. I know they aren't on the panel but can they help?
Rachel: Sure. That sounds great.
Sam: So, just auditions.
Rachel: Yes. Okay, good luck.
Sam: Thanks. -Hangs up smiling before going to sit with Artie and Tina again.

Chapter 154

After talking to Rachel as Sam goes back to talk to Tina and Artie:
Tina: -Sees him come back- Hey Sam, what did they say?
Sam: I can start preliminary auditions here in Las Vegas.
Tina: Wow, that is great. Get it started.
Sam: But, I need your help. They want to have at least 3 people. Can you be judges with me on the panel? I might try and get some other people to help. Quinn is a question mark but, I know there are some others. Can I sit?
Artie: Sure.
Sam: -Goes to sit down and opens his binder- Listen, I am just going to make a quick call, there are 2 other people here in Las Vegas who can help.
Tina: Who?
Sam: David Makin and Hunter Clarington.
Tina: Okay, they can help us hopefully.
Sam: -Opens his binder and checks his contacts- Here, lets start calling. -Goes to call David Makin first-

Phone Call:
David: -Answers the phone- Hello? Who is this?
Sam: Hi David, this is Sam Evans, I am working on Dalton-McKinley in Vegas with you.
David: Oh hi, what can I do for you?
Sam: I am back here in Las Vegas and I talked to the rest of the panel already. They told us that if we wanted to, we would start with preliminary auditions here. Want to come help us here in the auditorium?
David: Sure, think uhm, Hunter can come too?
Sam: He was next on my calling list. Sure, bring him down. We are in the lobby with Artie and Tina. See you soon.
David: Great. -Hangs up with Sam so they can get to work-

Chapter 155

Meanwhile in David's room:
Hunter: -Looks at him- Who was that?
David: It was Sam Evans. Partner on the panel.
Hunter: -Chuckles- From the other school. What did he want?
David: He wants us to help him with auditions here. We are starting I guess.
Hunter: Whatever, I am not doing anything without Blaine. I trust him more than any other guy here.
David: Whatever, I am going to help because I know we need to get some work done. Get us on stage faster. -Gets up and then goes to grab his binder-

Hunter: Why are you so hung up? I mean, they only invited us here because Blaine wanted us here.
David: I don't care, they are extending their hand to let us plan with them. I am happy to do it. So, have a good day.
Hunter: Whatever.
David: -Grabs his binder and then leaves the room, annoyed with Hunter already as he prepares to go meet with his co-workers-

Chapter 156

When David is downstairs in the restaurant:
David: -Comes to find them- Sam right?
Sam: -Turns to look up at him- Yes, you must be David. -Gets up and goes to shake his hand- We must not have worked together much.
David: No, we haven't. Hunter decided not to join us unfortunately so it will just be the four of us. Now I want to make sure we agree, we each get 1 vote, and any ties means they are given a pass to a second panel.
Sam: I like that idea. They all have to be reviewed by another panel anyways, the entire panel.
David: Can I sit down maybe and we can talk?
Sam: Sure. -Goes to sit down-
David: -Smiles as he goes to sit down- Now, from the e-mail I got about the auditions, I see that we are going to have to change some things around. I know that after the preliminaries, another panel was supposed to judge them with Celine. Maybe we should change that to me and Sam, that way both schools are represented along with Celine.
Sam: I like that idea. Since we can take our time for Auditions, we have a lot of time to do many singers auditions. That means we can get a big group and then we can maybe send them to audition again in Lima or something. It can't be too big.
David: Maybe we should conference with Rachel again.
Sam: Sure. -Grabs his phone- Here, lets call her. -Goes to call her again-

Chapter 157

After calling them when Rachel picks up:
Rachel: Hi Sam, everything okay?
Sam: Yes, we just had an idea here with our co-worker. His name is David Makin. What he was thinking is that after we get an audition here, we send them to you in Lima to audition again?
Rachel: -Turns to look at Jesse-
Jesse: That is a good idea because we can do the combined Glee-Las Vegas version here right away.

Sam: I like that idea. So they can get on a flight there. Shortens the audition process and allows us to cover more people faster. Also, most of the people we cover here will be either cut or sent to you so that means we will cut at least a thousand auditioners just in the little time spand. Do you mind that though? I mean, I know it is a lot but....
Rachel: Sam, it works out fine. This idea is great and it just makes the preliminaries in Las Vegas get done faster. Now, go get started with your vocalists.
Sam: Okay. Thanks Rachel.
Rachel: Have a good time. -Hangs up-
Sam: -Hangs up too smiling--
David: Okay, so that means we get to work now. Should we tell Celine?
Sam: That is where we are going next.
David: Okay. Lets go then. -Smiles at him before getting ready to meet Celine-

Chapter 158

After driving to Celine's place:
Sam: -Parks the car- Wow.
David: -Gets out, staring in awe- This is amazing. -Looks at the gardens- No wonder she likes to live here.
Sam: -Walks around the car smiling- I swear, this is going to be fun. Makes the dream seem real eh?
David: I am still wondering if I am dreaming or if this truly reality? I mean, Celine Dion?
Sam: I know, this is a long process. Luckily, we get to start it faster. -Smiles before leaading him to her door, ringing the doorbell-

Meanwhile inside:
Celine: RC, calm down and relax with your brothers. I need to get the door.
RC: Okay mom.
Celine: -Goes to get the door and opens it- Hello.
Sam: Hi Celine, you do remember our meeting correct?
Celine: Yes, regarding the show. Very enthusiastic.
Sam: More like, just trying to help. Oh, you may not have met my associate, this is David Makin, a board member.
David: It's an honor Celine. -Goes to shake her hand-
Celine: Please, come in and we can talk.
Sam: -Smiles before look at her and following her into her home-

Meeting with Celine Part 1

When Sam and David are inside:
Aldo: -Already at the table- Ah Sam, heard you wanted to meet with us.
Sam: Yes, how are you Aldo? -Goes to shake his hand- Let me introduce you to my
associate, David Makin.
David: -Goes to shake his hand- I am another member of the Board of Directors.
Aldo: Yes, uhm, what is the point of the meeting today Sam?
Sam: Auditions. -Goes to sit down- We have talked to our friends in Lima and we have decided it is time to start more auditions.
Celine: Oh, already?
David: We were planning to begin here in Las Vegas now. This way we cover more ground, faster, allowing for practice and planning to advance. We have judges who can help us here.
Celine: Okay, that means we would have to change the order.
Sam: Yes, I already talked to Rachel regarding this and we would just change some things. We would just send them to Lima after doing a round here.
Celine: Oh, so they are being sent somewhere.
Sam: Yes. Can I maybe explain how it would happen? David knows as well so maybe he could do it too? Explain I mean?
Celine: Go right ahead.

Meeting with Celine Part 2

David: Okay, maybe before we start, I just wanted to let you know that we have 6 new castmates already from Lima.
Celine: Congratulations. How many are you at now?
Sam: 31.
Celine: Pretty good for just starting a few weeks ago.
Sam: -Smiles- Yes, a few weeks.
Celine: -Smiles at him- Well, what is the new version?

David: Okay, well what we decided as a small panel is that we want to cover more ground faster. So, we can start preliminary auditions here now. We have a panel of 4 here. We would only do a preliminary audition and cut.
Sam: Then, for those who make it through the cut, they are sent to Lima, Ohio for the rest of the audition process. Then, they are done for good. That is all we do. Just the preliminaries.
Celine: That sounds reasonable but Lima?
Sam: Go judge in front of the rest of the judges who continue with the cuts before continuing with the original plan. We want a lot of people and I believe that by extending the length of auditions here in Las Vegas, we can cover more people and make our cast really big.
Celine: There is just one thing that worries me. What happens when it gets too big?
Sam: There will be 2 cuts to our group before they can even continue. A cut made between our group here and a cut made in Lima, Ohio.
David: It will really narrow down the group and possibly make it a lot smaller.
Celine: Okay. That makes it fair then. But would you want me to help here for now?
Sam: We have 4 judges here already so we are okay.
Celine: Wow, so your group is going to go through thousands of auditions together?

Meeting with Celine Part 3

Sam: Considering the amount of time we have between the time the original auditions would've began and how long they will be in Lima, we can have a lot of auditions, make a lot of cuts before sending them to wherever the rest of the panel is. We can do this for a long time.
Celine: Just singers though?
David: We aren't on the choreography panel so, we can't do those auditions. That would be out of our jurisdiction. Plus, I don't know how to judge that.
Celine: Okay, it's just worrying me that you will allow to many people through here and then cut in Ohio.
Sam: Oh, if they make it back here from Ohio, they have to go through more cuts.
Aldo: I like the fact that you aren't alone making the cuts and that does make sense Celine, I mean, the longer they have, the more practice they can have. It can give them chances to see what can work with dances. And what can't work.
Celine: I would rather have a panelist on the choreography committee here too for the auditions to cover more ground if we are going to pay to advertise this. Cover more ground.
Sam: Do you think I can make a call? I think we can get that worked out.
Celine: Of course.
Sam: -Picks up his phone and then goes to Call Mike and Jesse-

Meeting with Celine Part 4

After calling Mike and Jesse when Sam puts him on speaker:
Sam: Hey Mike and Jesse, you are on speaker with me, Celine, Aldo and David.
Mike: Hi guys.
Celine: Hi Mike, uhm, are you in Ohio?
Mike: Yes Ma'am. I am here doing auditions.
Jesse: As are we Celine. It's Jesse and Rachel.
Aldo: Oh, hello.
Rachel: Hi Aldo.
Aldo: Hi Rachel.

Sam: Well, we are here talking about auditions. We are considering starting auditions here in Las Vegas as well.
Rachel: How is that possible? We aren't there. Sam, that is not fair.
David: Hold on guys, we have a way to make sure the auditioners we select go through you as well.
Sam: We were going to send them to you after a successful audition here in Las Vegas. They would then have to audition in front of you as well. There, you make the final cut before continuing with the same process we decided before. We would just be using our time wisely and starting Vocal Auditions here, well the preliminary rounds to screen more singers ahead of time..
Rachel: Who would judge though?
David: Myself, Sam, Tina and Artie.
Rachel: Okay, that makes sense and then they come here for an audition in front the rest of the panel?
Sam: Exactly. And then members who are on the Board of Directors there in Lima would judge them and make the final cut along with the Lima final cut. Just the singers though. There would still have to be dance auditions here. Does that work?
Rachel: Okay, I am liking this. So, how about you get that started and then we will see if you make good picks.
Sam: Will do. -Smiles as he hangs up with them-

Meeting with Celine Part 5

After hanging up when Sam looks at Celine:
Sam: So, how do you recommend we go with this now? Should we get an auditorium or something?
Celine: -Turns to look at Aldo- I believe yours is available for use at the Palace.
Sam: Oh, it is?
Celine: -Looking at Aldo-
Aldo: Yes, I believe we said that when we had the tour when you first came.
Celine: Okay well then, you can use that.
Aldo: -Smiles- Want to maybe just go talk there for a bit alone Sam and we can go talk how the four of us are going to approach this?
Tina: I am good with going too.
Sam: I think we need to but do you think maybe I can have like an hour or two before we start? I have Quinn and Beth.
Artie: Alright, go ahead. We will go to the auditorium though.
Sam: I need to drive you back. -Gets up and goes to shake Celine's hand- Pleasure to meet you again ma'am. Uhm, do we need to have somebody give us the keys to the auditorium?
Aldo: I will go with you to talk to the Managers. -Gets up and looks at them-
Sam: Okay then.
Aldo: I also might help you out if that is okay Celine? I believe everything is under control?
Celine: Yes, go ahead Aldo.
Aldo: Alright then, follow me to go back. -Smiles as he leads the gentlemen out-
Sam: Bye Celine. -Leaves with Aldo, David, Artie and Tina-

Chapter 160

After getting a ride to the hotel when the group walks in:
Sam: -Walks in with his friends to see Quinn-
Quinn: -On her way to the pool with Beth and her mom-
David: -Talking to Aldo-
Sam: Hey guys, think you can give me a second? I see Quinn.
Artie: Of course. Go ahead.
Sam: -Jogs over to Quinn before she can go outside-

Meanwhile with Quinn:
Quinn: C'mon Beth, we can eat after, we just had breakfast.
Sam: -Walks up to her- What did you have? -Smiles-
Quinn: -Hears him and turns around- Hey, why aren't you at your meeting?
Sam: I am on my way to go look at our auditorium. How long do you think you will be at the pool?
Quinn: A couple hours.
Beth: Dad, are you going to come?
Quinn: Uhm, he has to work right now.

Sam: I will text you when I come. I will go get changed up in the suite and then come meet you.
Quinn: Okay.
Sam: See you later then?
Quinn: Okay. -Goes to kiss him smiling-
Sam: -Kisses her softly and smiles as he lets her go-
Quinn: -Runs off with Beth smiling-
Sam: -Smiles as he waves to her before walking back over to his friends-

Caesars Palace Tour Part 1

When Sam is back with his friends:
Artie: -Talking to Tina- I swear, they act like teenagers still.
Sam: What's that about me and Quinn?
Tina: He just said you act like teenagers still.
Sam: -Looks at him- It's how I want to treat her and she likes it.
Artie: Fine.

Sam: Now, we have this tour to go on?
Tina: If you would rather go to the pool, go ahead.
Artie: I agree, go be with your family Sam.
Sam: It's fine. I can work for a bit. Plus, she needs time with her mom.
David: Whatever but I agree, lets go see our auditorium.
Aldo: -Checks with the desk and then walks back over to them- Follow me.

Sam: -Smiles as he follows them so that they can go see their auditorium-
Aldo: Now the auditorium is newly vacant so take your time and practice here as well, get a feel for the stadium. It might help you pick your setlist.
Sam: The thing is, we don't have many members here to practice with so that is not really an option.
Aldo: Maybe you can chair a committee on decorating the auditorium instead. -Leads them into the main entrance-
Sam: Maybe. But shouldn't most of the panel be on it?
Aldo: Possibly. Maybe you can start getting your friends who aren't on panels in Lima to come join us here in Las Vegas instead of in Lima.
Sam: I might wait until after Christmas. They might want to stay there.
Aldo: I guess you are right. But after they should really come. -Opens the door to the door to their auditorium- Especially since they will want to see this. -Lets them in-
Sam: Woah. -Walks in, staring in awe-

Caesars Palace Tour Part 2

David: Wait, this is just our stage?
Aldo: Yes. Come practice here and design it.
David: Wow. This is going to be fun. Wait until Jane comes here to perform tightrope. She will definatively be able to hit the high notes.
Sam: Jane, as in Jane Hayward?
David: Yes, I really liked her.
Sam: Then why wasn't she allowed into the Warblers?
David: I couldn't set a standard. If we let her in then we would have had to let any girl who came to Dalton in.
Sam: I guess since it is tradition, I get it.
David: Good. Now, where are the mics because I want to practice.

Aldo: Not yet son. Give us some work first. Just a tour remember? Nothing else.
Sam: Wow, that is going to be fun. I really wish Quinn had come to see this.
David: I bet. But you probably want to go see her near the pool.
Sam: -Chuckles- Want to spend some time with her. I mean, she came so we could stay together. Do you mind if I get going?
David: Go ahead. We saw the stadium.
Sam: Tanks man, we will have to meet up again sometime. Right now, I need to go spend some time with my wife.
David: -Chuckles-
Sam: -Runs off to get changed in his room so he can meet Quinn at the pool-

Chapter 162

Meanwhile with Quinn:
Quinn: -Gets a text from Sam saying he is on his way-

Text Messages:
Sam: What pool are you at?
Quinn: -Smiles as she reads the text- Appollo Pool.
Sam: Just getting changed. Be right there after.
Quinn: Good. Want a drink?
Sam: Not yet, it'll be warm.
Quinn: Okay.
Sam: Did you forget anything?
Quinn: No. Just come. I want a massage.
Sam: :) Be right there.
Quinn: -Smiles and then puts her phone down-

Mary: You just text Sam? -Puts on some sun screen- Want some dear?
Quinn: I am waiting for Sam. He likes to do it. Good massage.
Mary: You know, it is really nice when I see you together. He really does love you Quinn.
Quinn: Trust me, I know. He overdoes it sometimes. I mean, Caesars Palace?
Mary: Good home. Listen, I am going in. Hollar if you need anything.
Quinn: I will. -Smiles as she sits there-
Mary: -Gets up and then goes to get in the pool-
Quinn: -Goes to grab her tablet, deciding to read a bit as she waits for Sam-

Chapter 163

After getting changed when Sam walks over to find Quinn:
Sam: -Walks over and smiles at her-
Quinn: -Goesn't see him walk over as she reads-
Sam: What book are you reading now?
Quinn: -Gets scared and jumps- Sam, you scared me.
Sam: Why aren't you in the pool?

Quinn: I was just going to sit here and relax with you.
Sam: You mean as I do this? -Leans down and puts his hand on her leg, rubbing it softly- And a little bit of this. -Kisses her softly-
Quinn: That feels ideal.
Sam: -Smiles at her- Here, let me sit down.
Quinn: -Gets up smiling before looking at him-
Sam: -Goes to sit down and smiles at her-
Quinn: -Smiles as she goes to sit on his lap and leans back against his chest-
Sam: -Feels her slip her legs in between his and then wraps his arm around her before kissing her head- How are you?

Quinn: -Lays her head down on his shoulder- Relaxed. How was work?
Sam: The complete opposite. It is going to be hectic. -Goes to rub her arm-
Quinn: -Puts her hand on his chest and smiles as she feels very comfortable-
Sam: Celine was really nice though. Wish you were there with me. -Grabs her leg and rubs it with his thumb- But I understood you wanted relax. Maybe another time.
Quinn: Definatively. -Smiles as she feels really relaxed in his arms-
Sam: You know, maybe after a while we should go in.
Quinn: Why can't we just do this?
Sam: Because I want to do this in the pool. -Leans down and kisses her softly-
Quinn: -Smiles as she kisses him softly- Carry me?
Sam: No, you are going to have to walk. It looks weird here.
Quinn: -Smiles as she gets up, grabbing his hand-
Sam: -Smiles as he gets up before grabbing her hand and leading her towards the pool-

164: Family Swim Part 1

After leading Quinn in when they are in a corner:
Quinn: -Grabs his neck as she holds him close-
Sam: -Holds her in his arms and wraps her legs around his waist-
Quinn: -Moves her arms around his neck- I love you.
Sam: -Smiles as he goes to kiss her- I love you too. -Runs his hand up her back-
Quinn: -Smiles at him as she kisses him slowly before rubbing his chest-
Sam: -Tugs her right against his chest and then rubs her leg-
Quinn: -Breaks the kiss and looks at him- So tell me, what does the stage look like? -Grabs his neck and rubs his cheek-

Sam: Just like you would expect but much bigger.
Quinn: -Smiles at him-
Sam: -Rubs her leg gently- I missed this.
Quinn: What do you mean?
Sam: You being able to just talk to me. You seem to be much better.
Quinn: I am. I feel so much safer and happier here for some reason.
Sam: -Goes to rub her back before tugging her right against his chest-
Quinn: -Smiles as she leans down and kisses him softly-
Sam: -Smiles at her before turning to look at Beth as she plays with his siblings-
Quinn: -Goes to lay her head down-
Sam: -Kisses her shoulder softly-
Quinn: -Smiles-
Sam: What would you say to tonight just being me and you?
Quinn: What do you mean Sam? -Leans back and looks into his eyes-

165: Family Swim Part 2

Sam: Me, you, relaxing in bed as we eat some supper alone with either a movie or music playing before a slow night of soft kisses?
Quinn: What's with all these nights alone lately?
Sam: Quinn, I know you are still hurting. I just want to make sure you are all okay before we go places.
Quinn: Okay, tell me the truth. How much of it is that you just want me to be in my lingerie in your arms as you kiss me?
Sam: None of that is true. Quinn, I mean it. I want to know you are okay. I want to make sure you are okay with moving on
Quinn: Wow, that is different, no guy as ever wanted to do that for me Sam.
Sam: Because none of those guys were as emotionally invested in your life as I am as your husband.
Quinn: -Smiles as she leans back and rubs his chest before leaning down to kiss him softly- I would love that.
Sam: I just need to make sure it is okay with at least one of our parents. If not Stevie and Stacey can just hang out with her.
Quinn: Plus, it is not like we are getting sexual so....
Sam: Not yet. Even for me it is too soon.
Quinn: -Grabs his neck and kisses him softly- I love you Sam and that sounds like a great idea. But maybe just later into the night. We are parents now. Well, still are.
Sam: And boy am I glad of that. -Smiles at his wife before rubbing her back- I still remember the night me and my beautiful cheerleader wife did it. We made love and started our family. The only thing I do regret is not marrying you earlier.
Quinn: I am just happy you stood by me all this time.
Sam: And I always will.
Quinn: -Smiles at her husband, cuddling up to him as she thinks about how much her life has changed in the past couple years. She also thinks back to remember how their beautiful daughter came to be a reality-

Monday, June 1, 2015

167: Continuation

Hey guys, I have decided to continue to this story, picking it up from where we last left off (where Quinn starts to remember the events that led up to Beth's Birth). I will continue from there.

Here is the link: DMIV: Baby Evans

Please note that in the next blog, the chapter numbering begins at 168 (Prologue) so please consider Family Swim Part 1/2 as 2 seperate chapters and this post as chapter 167 for chapter numbering purposes.